Score Soccer App Reviews

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My husband and I took on the task of tracking stats for our daughters select soccer team, and after the first game during which he struggled with a paper chart and trying to find the right column, player, etc. while also watching the game, I said, "theres gotta be an app for that!" I found ScoreSoccer, and once we conquered the slight learning curve, its proving to be very useful. Its quick and easy to enter events, I love the running clock and automatic time tracking, and the user interface is generally pretty intuitive. My husband wasnt sold at first because he had a hard time figuring out how to enter the data, but when I pointed out that with the old school method hed still have to transfer the handwritten data to a spreadsheet and build a bunch of calculations to track playing time etc., he agreed this is the way to go. Id like to see an "other" option so we can track goal kicks per our coachs request, but other than that its pretty darned awesome. Oh, and editing the sub time in the events doesnt change the playing time tracked, but thats not something youd normally need to do. When we contacted Rare with our questions, the response was quick and thorough; great support for a great app!

Needs a few more things......

App is pretty good..... Some more options for the end of game report are critical. A scoring summary with goals, assists, times, which half, score tally, and Scorers with descriptions. Also a keeper saves along with summary of shots on/off goal. Basically everything is nice just need to have an option other than the supper indepth summary like a Major Event Summary to get the major info accurately to sports writers. or friends and family etc

Very good app!

I am so excited about this app! Ive been waiting for something like this app! Ive used the app for my kids last two games and its easy to use (once you figure it out). Some additions Id like to see...all players have a "roll up" except for the keeper. Id like to see where shots were taken on the keepers and results. An option to keep all items/data points on the screen during the game. Full field option and a set up/user manual or instructions. Some items are not intuitive. Thank you!

Nearly perfect

This is a wonderful app. This will chart nearly every stat you need in a game. Now for the suggestions: having the option to score a shot as "blocked" would cover all my needs. In a perfect world being able to score completed passes would be cool too.

Great App

Works very well. Fairly intuitive, and the ability to go back later to edit is helpful. I concur that having a blocked shot attempt option would be nice, and a way to import a roster instead of manually entering each name. Also would appreciate saving stats for each half. A bit problematic to accurately log fouls if in defensive side of pitch, since app shows just half of field. But Im sure later versions will make this cool app even more functional.

Needs to be better

Yes, this app is very easy to use. The only one I could find with ease of use, and easy to set up. Twitter and email features make this a great tool to help fans follow the game and to get the stats to the paper, school, etc. However, again as I have seen reviewed before, need "blocked shot" as an option for shots. Such a simple suggestion just seems to be ignored. Also, as long as the spot on the field is being marked for the shot why not record the distance. This could be the perfect app with a little attention.

Really Good......

......but could be perfect. Is it possible to put the team roster in a sidebar instead of as a pop up? This way I could see who is currently on field and make subs a little easier. I could also allow me to pick the shooters quickly. It is def well worth it for parent input and for identifying areas to be improved. Thanks for the great app. BTW I use this on the iPad. I dont think my suggestion would work on the phone.


This app is a great addition to the stat tracking that my team already has in place. The ease of use and intuitive controls make this app a must buy in my opinion.

Would be great if

This app is good. It does keep track of player time but you can only see it when it is e-mailed to your account. As a coach I wish that I could record stuff easier while watching the game but it is hard with any app that I have found free or purchased.

Better than the rest, but needs improvements

I love this app for stat keeping for our high school games. However, the Twitter function doesnt work as advertised. It certainly tweets, but even in scoring only mode, it tweets fouls, corners, shots, etc. And when there is a score (at least tonight) it didnt update the score on that tweet. (Posted a Shot:Goal, but still displayed the score as 0-0). Needs more customization to how tweets look, etc. Would be an absolute 5 star app if the live tweeting had a little more customization and worked as advertised.

Bluetooth Transfer Issue

Transferring games from the host device to the receiver does not work properly. It gives the goal tender that was scored on credit for the goal. Once this issue is fixed I will give it a higher rating but it is useless for our league,


Worth the $.

Great app- own goals messed up though

Have used this app all season for our hs varsity team. So easy to use. Only problems (small) involve own goals, jersey color, and pk shoot out. Own goals dont show the right score in the events window, but do show correct score on the screen. The app should auto switch jersey color based on home away. Also, the pk shoot out should be factored correctly into the score and players stats. It adds goals to stats and changes the score line. These are all minor problems, and I still gave the app 5 stars.

Good, but too slow

I would prefer this to have lists that are always available, rather than pop ups. By the time I select the event, the player, and the outcome, I have missed the next few events. If I could quickly select the player, the event and outcome from a list/display that is always visible, I could get more information. There is no way I can track important information like turnovers and steals on a fast moving game with the current set up. If I could record the results more quickly and actually use the capabilities of this app, I would be delighted. Maybe someone has advice on how they have made it work for them - I would love to see it.

Recommend it to my fellow coaches

I recommend this app to other high school coaches all the time. I have one student entering data and they typically just ask a team member who is on the bench to help them track things if they get some quick things to add. After the game I email the reports to all the media with a few lines from me in the game summary. Easy to use. I have recently started to just list a phantom list of players that I use to build rosters of the opponents with. If I need a name for later it is a quick edit. (Zz1, Zz2..) I do agree with shoot out issue and the own goal. But that is easy to fix in the spreadsheet later.

Best Soccer Stat App Out There

Looked a number of stat apps to keep stats for comp soccer, most of them are harder than pencil and paper (at least for the person who did not write the app). This one is very good. It is quick, simple and complete. If you make a mistake you can fix it and I get better information and detail from stats gathered in the app than by pencil and paper (helps one watch the game more closely as the stat keeping is much quicker). The Rare Software is responsive and replied quickly to a few suggestions I emailed to them. Would like to see cloud based stat keeping so any device tied to your apple ID can keep and see the stats, would also be great as a set up to live stat posting. All in all the application works as designed, did not crash and kept all my data allowing me to keep stats for three games in a days then retrieve the data later. Great job!

Good & Getting Better

Fun to keep track of game stats. Would like to add "blocked" as a option to shots taken.

Not worth using

This app brings new meaning to "clunky". It is nearly impossible to use and in no way intuitive. Design is horrible, possibly the worst Ive ever seen (I have used more than 500 apps).

Player stats

Good app but when I try to add a stat to my team players the other teams players info shows up under my team name stats. This is happening for the following stats( foul, steal, turnover, corner kicks,own goals). The other stat seem to be working fine. Please correct as I am not able to capture the correct information.


Great app. Well worth the few dollars. The reports are excellent for analytically minded coaches capable of recognizing strengths or exposing weaknesses of players based on field placements of shots/fouls. This app needs three things: 1. Not every shot results in a goal keeper being credited with a save. Sometimes defenders block the shot or clear the ball out. There should be an option to tally a shot with no save as the result. That way when reporting stats to newspapers after games, you dont omit shots or embellish saves numbers. 2. Sometimes shots are both high and wide. As a coach, Ill take wide misses all day. That means the kids are aiming for the corners and not just kicking at the keeper. High is less tolerable and requires adjustments and technique training. High and wide is just bad form and needs to be fixed. Knowing which players do that would benefit the coaching they receive and the team as a whole. It needs a high and wide option as the result of a shot. 3. The excel spreadsheets dont export properly. One column heading has two "tags" but the columns beneath it with the data are split into two separate columns. It forces the data to populate with its alignment off by one column as a result. Everything is shifted one cell to the right from where its corresponding column heading is. This is a MUST FIX!

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